Wednesday, November 12, 2014


1. "I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ."

2. A) A is correct. I feel it achieves all of the three requirements.
B) The format on B doesn't sound right.
C) It is oddly formatted, and is a question that cannot be researched. It is an opinion by the customer.
D) D is ok.

3. What is the best possible way to teach kids how to perform to the best of their ability, while have fun in hockey?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Lesson 1 Reflection

1. I think I am most proud of the way I easily met time. After being at the school for 3 years, doing a 10 minute presentation was very easy

2. I feel I deserve a P. I feel I spoke well, and did all the basic requirements. For example when reading the rubric after presenting, I feel I met all the P requirements. I was prepared, met time, was informative, and was interactive.

3. I feel that talking about hockey was what really worked for me. Coaching is a difficult thing to talk about. It is very hard to make sure you are fluently explaining how coaching works, so the rest can get it.

4. If I had a time machine, I would make sure I sighted better sources. I didn't put the video interviews, even though I talked about them.