Saturday, April 25, 2015

Independent component 2


A) Include this statement: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
B)No source. just me.
C) I was able to coach the girls powderpuff team, and coach some of my own team, while giving a few lesson to some players.
I was able to complete 30 hours of coaching. I coached powderpuff, I also gave lessons, and coached my team. Although we didn't win, I feel as if I did my best to let the girls and players be the best hey can be. 

This independent component hardly helped me answer my EQ. I already had my answers locked in. What it did do though was help me confirm my answers. For example, anytie we had a scrimmage, it brought out the best in all the players. Pushing themselves to compete. Or when I created fun games, its helped players want to do the exercises they didn't like doing. For example, Running. I also was able to form bonds with a few people, and this led them to having more trust in me.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Interview 4

1. What makes a coach?
A coach is a motivator/ teacher.
2. What is the best way to coach kids?
Positive enforcement. Explain the negative.
3. Who are the best kids to teach?
You can’t really decide who you get to coach, but whoever you do coach, you have to make the best of it.
4. What is the best age to coach?
I enjoy coaching all ages, but I started coaching a youth program for about 6 years, and its really amazing to see these kids all these years later, and how much they’ve progressed.
5. How much money do you make?
It’s not really about the money. Coaches don’t make a lot of money, and you can not make a living off what they make.
6. Why do you coach?
I did it mostly because my children were interested in the sport, and started playing. I did a lot of book work on the sport itself, and wanted to give kids proper information
7. What's your drive?
8. When did you start coaching and why?
I’ve been coaching for around 13 years off and on, I started coaching 3 to 6 year olds, then ran that program. Moved onto competitive roller coaching, then ice. In there are 5 levels of coaching, I just need 5 the highest honors.
9. How can you make kids listen best?
Make it fun. If you make it fun and short, you can keep interest and focus.
10. What is the best way to teach?
I think you need to have positive reinforcement, and not be negative.
11. How can a man have the power to lead?
educate yourself. Doesn’t matter what you are learning.
12. Is leading something one can learn, or is it natural?
Leading is more of something that comes natural. Like that saying “born a leader,” but I think anyone can be able to teach, as long as they get the proper training on how.
13. What's the best way to succeed at coaching?
Most coaches say its winning championships, but I think the most important is that they learned something new, and 2 that they never lose the drive for the sport.
14. When does a coach reach his maximum potential?
A coach can’t really ever reach it. Its continuous improvement, and you are always learning something.
15. How can a coach better himself?
Make sure you have support.
16. What are the best drills for hockey?
For the young ones we play a lot of games, and explain things with a story. Almost like a fairy tale fashion. For the older kids it is based on competition, and the big thing is game play drills.
17. How can I best form a bond with kids?
You need to make sure you give instruction, but not to the point where you are super strict and mean. Patience plays a big role when forming bonds. Especially with kids.
18. What is a good strategy when coaching?
When coaching you are always making split second decisions, so I think you just need to keep your cool. Especially in the ice rink.
19. What does coaching mean to you?
I  think coaching is super important to me. It’s very exciting  to just watch kids improve over the years
20.What is the biggest challenge as a coach?

I think it’s very difficult for a team to play as well, a team. It is always a challenge to get a team to play in unison, because you will always have different forms of players.