Saturday, August 30, 2014

Extra Blog

Books and Other News.

For my senior topic, I have chosen to do Hockey Coaching. I have not found an official mentor yet, but my dad is a level 4 out of 5 hockey coach. I could use my dad if I wanted to, because it is really hard to get a level 4 coaching card. the only difference between 4 and 5, is that 5 can coach college level. I have already learned so much about coaching and the responsibility. My dad have given me a bunch of coaching books, and I have read through one of them. It was full of great knowledge. The biggest thing that stood out to me, is that just because you can play the game, doesn't mean you could coach it. That really stood out to me, because I have seen a ton of great players that then go onto coaching, an are just bad. The coach is such a big factor in team performance. I played for a team one season, and we won probably two games. The next season we had the same exact team, with just a different coach, and we almost made it to the championships. Coaching a team is no easy task, and these books are filled with tips, tricks, and personal experiences. My goal by the end of this project is to get my coaching card, and have my own team. Some people just can't coach, so I hope to determine if this is a good fit for me.

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