Saturday, February 28, 2015

Extra Blog Feb.

This month I have been working with my team a lot. We just finished our last practice yesterday, and are now going to playoffs. Today 2/28/15, was our first game of playoffs. We won. I gave the team a pregame talk, and let them know what we needed to do to win the game. I have also been coaching powder puff. It has been really helpful. I have created drills to make it as fun as possible.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Interview 3

1. What do you think is the best way to have fun while training kids in hockey?

To compete. Have the kids compete, with an incentive.

2. What do you think is the best drill, and why?

A drill that you are able to skate and pass. Shooting is important too, but skating and passing are 2 key parts of the game. The drill that we call the special drill has all 3, so I would say that.

3. Do you believe that a scrimmage is the best way to teach kids?

If there is something to play for, like counting the score, then yes. You have to play for something.

4. How would you first approach kids, who are just starting off?

Let them have fun. Let them know that at the beginning of the day, they may be at the bottom of the ladder, but let's say after 3 practice, they are now 3 rungs up. Let them know they are doing good.

5. After a kid first learns to skate, what would you teach them next?

If the kid is young, I would then teach them the flow of the game. The basic fundamentals.

6. What would you do differently when teaching big kids compared to little?

After age 11 the stakes go up, and the game is more important now. You need them to have focus, and the right mind set.

7. What would you do the same?

I might teach them basics still, but the older kids really need that different mind set that there is more at stake.

8. How can a coach perform to his best, and continue to progress?

Continue to evaluate, and watch videos. You also want to get a good relationship with your players, that is what makes a successful coach.

9. What are some techniques that you use to separate you from other coaches?

I'm big on relationships and trust. I like to build up a proper relationship to get someone to do what I want them to do, you have to build trust. If they trust you, they will believe in you and do it.

10. If a kid is struggling, and not performing as well as the others what do you do?

Like I said form that relationship? And then make sure he knows what he needs to work on. It is not bad to pull a kid aside, and give him the proper attention.

Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?
What is the best way to incorporate fun while traing kids to perform to the best of their ability in hockey?
2.  What is your first answer?
If you make drills that are super fun, then the kid won't even know they are working.
3.  What is your second answer?
When the kids Scrimmage against each other, they are having fun and learning their abilities. 4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
A. When kids play against each other, they are having fun trying to perform better than their teammate, while learning their abilities.
B. The kids have a chance to play in a real game situation.
C. When the kids practice against each other, they can do better in games, and have more fun, because they're winning.
5.  What printed source best supports your answer?
101 hockey tips by USA hockey
6.  What other source supports your answer?
My hockey team
7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.
When the kids practice, and are serious about the game, you have unlimited potential.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

independant comp. 2

Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
I plan to practice with my team, and analyze what they do wrong and right. I also plan to work with my mentor and coach kids, as well as coach kids, and powderpuff
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
I will make sure to work hard, and teach the team what I know.
3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
It helps me see coaching first hand, and learn from the mistakes of my team and coach.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Independent Component.

I, Slade Dude Suzuki, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

Coach Chris (951) 830-5868.

I have watched my coach, and his techniques of coaching. I have analyzed the good and the bad, and have used what I learned into my coaching style. I am using it right now for the Powderpuff team.

I spent 30 hours studying my coach. I have made notes on what makes a good and bad coach. Watching my coach has really helped me out. I have a 1st hand experience of what being a coach takes, and just how much pressure it can be.

This has helped me answer my EQ, because I now know what it takes to be a coach. My main goal is to teach proper form, while having fun. I feel that by learning all that I have, I can now take it, and make the people I coach have a good time, while still learning how to play. I now have all these tools in my toolbox, that I can develop into the proper tools I need to get the job done. The overall experience has really helped me, and I think I can become a pretty good coach. Not just at hockey, but at any sport.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Extra Blog Post January

This month I have contacted my mentor, and have started working with him to get my 50 hours. I have already finished my 30 required, and now have to work on the 50. I have about 26 hours so far, and should be able to finish before the end of the year.