Thursday, February 19, 2015

Interview 3

1. What do you think is the best way to have fun while training kids in hockey?

To compete. Have the kids compete, with an incentive.

2. What do you think is the best drill, and why?

A drill that you are able to skate and pass. Shooting is important too, but skating and passing are 2 key parts of the game. The drill that we call the special drill has all 3, so I would say that.

3. Do you believe that a scrimmage is the best way to teach kids?

If there is something to play for, like counting the score, then yes. You have to play for something.

4. How would you first approach kids, who are just starting off?

Let them have fun. Let them know that at the beginning of the day, they may be at the bottom of the ladder, but let's say after 3 practice, they are now 3 rungs up. Let them know they are doing good.

5. After a kid first learns to skate, what would you teach them next?

If the kid is young, I would then teach them the flow of the game. The basic fundamentals.

6. What would you do differently when teaching big kids compared to little?

After age 11 the stakes go up, and the game is more important now. You need them to have focus, and the right mind set.

7. What would you do the same?

I might teach them basics still, but the older kids really need that different mind set that there is more at stake.

8. How can a coach perform to his best, and continue to progress?

Continue to evaluate, and watch videos. You also want to get a good relationship with your players, that is what makes a successful coach.

9. What are some techniques that you use to separate you from other coaches?

I'm big on relationships and trust. I like to build up a proper relationship to get someone to do what I want them to do, you have to build trust. If they trust you, they will believe in you and do it.

10. If a kid is struggling, and not performing as well as the others what do you do?

Like I said form that relationship? And then make sure he knows what he needs to work on. It is not bad to pull a kid aside, and give him the proper attention.

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